October's theme is Black & White as a prelude to CAPA's Black and White Competition . For competition purposes, your image must fit into one of the following themes: Architecture – a human-made structure (mobile, free-standing, or outdoor). Image can be taken from inside or outside the structure. Includes urban and rural settings. Dilapidated – abandonedContinue reading →
Through his own images, Mr. Maher will share his experiences and photography advice, having worked in some of the harshest environments. Above all, he wants his images to help those forced to struggle on the margins of society. Surprisingly he notes that his strongest gift is not as a photographer but as a person withContinue reading →
This year we will be participating in five CAPA (Canadian Association of Photographic Art) Competitions as a club. For the first competition this fall, the Board has selected the Nature Theme competition. The club will select six images, which must be from different photographers, to represent the club. Submit one digital image for consideration inContinue reading →
What CAPA Judges Look For in Your Photography Jane van Pelt will be discussing what competition judges look for when evaluating images. Image Share: Bring or submit up to 4 digital images or prints to share in tonight’s share session. Be prepared to tell us about your image. For digital images, please use the imageContinue reading →
The Canadian Raptor Conservancy offers a two hour photography session with 10 different birds of prey. 6 flying birds and 4 static birds. Birds change according to season. There is a minimum and maximum group size. There will be a cost of $53.00 for this event. You will be required to sign up and payContinue reading →
This year we will be participating in five CAPA (Canadian Association of Photographic Art) Competitions as a club. For the second competition this fall, the Board has selected the Black & White competition. The club will select six images, which must be from different photographers, to represent the club. Submit one digital image for considerationContinue reading →