4 events found.
Grand Valley Image Battle (GVIB) 2022 – Images due
The Brant Camera Club is hosting this year’s GVIB. This year the GVIB will be digital and online (no prints). This format will allow club members to participate safely and look forward to the time when we can all participate together again. Submit up to three digital images for the Grand Valley Image Battle (GVIB). Continue reading →
Grand Valley Image Battle 2022: Image Selection
We need to select 20 images from the 29 images submitted for consideration. Every photographer who submitted images will have two images selected for the GVIB. ** You must be logged in to participate in the selection process. **
Banquet Night
To be determinedCome celebrate the joy of the season. Due to space limitations this event is members only. Details to follow.
Theme: Darkness
January's theme is darkness.